It was our privilege to work with New Straits Times (M) Berhad for their cover shoot recently at the Tropical Spice Garden in Penang. It was for their new interactive app based e-magazine called LET which stands for Lifestyle, Entertainment & Travel. Their cover featured a purveyor of artisan spice “Faten Rafie” who specializes in her own hand-blended spice mixes to cook up savoury dishes. Based at her “Spice Laboratory” in Relau, she personally hand belnds all the spice mixes using the conventional mortar and pestle. Happy to be able to work for this commercial makeup and looking forward for more to come in the near future.
L.E.T is the latest Malaysian electronic magazine, focusing on lifestyle, entertainment and travel. It offers an inimitable sensory experience for the readers through sophisticated art direction and premium execution and content. L.E.T will be divided into three sections, with a pagination of up to 40-50 pages. Lifestyle will carry varied topics skewed towards personalities and luxury; entertainment will cover both local and foreign talents while travel will look at destinations of interest mainly to high society travellers. The content will be presented in video form, photos, graphics and articles. L.E.T’s target readers are both men and women age from 20s and beyond. This interactive content is in English and will be produced monthly. It can be accessed via online and offline. L.E.T is available on Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Read More : http://www.nst.com.my/LET